sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011


Pastels on orange Passe-Partout


Qualche tempo dopo , ecco qui Iona , ora orgogliosamente libero , correndo a piacere sulla collina e dintorni .

Some time later , how Iona is looking like , proudly free , running at ease on the hill and country side .

sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011


                Pastels , on passe-partout
                IONA I
Qualche mese fa' incontrai Iona , era in un bellissimo prato , ma aveva un aria molto triste , non poteva scorazzare a suo piacimento .
Lo rividi la settimana scorsa , non era piú legato e poteva spaziare in collina , nei prati , libero di galoppare a volontá .
Inutile dire che aveva un'aria fiera e selvaggia , ed era bellissimo .
Mi hanno detto che é dovuto al fatto di mangiare solo erbetta verde e fresca .
Come la libertá appaga !
Quindi mi decisi a disegnarlo come era prima e poi ....

I meet Iona , some months ago , in a beautiful prairie .
He had a very sad look , couldn't move at will .
I saw him again last week , he wasn't tied up anymore and could run up and down the hill in the countryside .
Iona was free to gallop as he wanted .
He was in a very fiery and savage mood .
He was glooming .
I was told that is also because he's eating fresh pasture .
An example of how freedom satisfies , and not only the Human Being... .
So I decided to draw him , in these two conditions. Above is the first one .